Secure Dimensions GmbH
Holistic Geosecurity

Cos4Cloud STAplus Viewer App

This simple application displays the data from Natusfera and Plantnet provided via STAplus. The demo data is a partial export from Natusfera data (yellow marker): and Plantnet data (red marker):

The purpose of this app is to demonstrate the ease of combined visualization of citizen science data coming from different operators

About STAplus Viewer App

This application is based on the Leaflet and the SensorThings API Mapping library STAM.

About STAplus

To boost FAIR with Citizen Science data, the STAplus extension to the OGC SensorThings API was developed. STAplus simplifies the re-use of existing data via a common (generic) data model and the power of the SensorThings API. As the data model and the API originates from Microsoft's ODATA, re-use of citizen science data accessible via STAplus ranges from GeoJSON based viewer applications to Microsfot Excel (version 2019 or better).

About Cos4Cloud

Cos4Cloud is a H2020 project that develops technologies to improve Citizen Science.


Work on this application is funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement No. 863463.